Better Quality Metrics: Electronic Component Manufacturing Reduces Losses with NOVUS Automation Solutions

Better quality metrics are often the result of small changes over time, rather than a major revolution in methods or processes. In Mexico, an electronic component maquiladora faced a complex challenge: elevating the quality of its testing to a new level.

What made improving production quality possible were the innovative NOVUS solutions for environmental control. Losses of parts due to deterioration from inadequate storage conditions were no longer a challenge, resulting in reduced non-compliance loss rates. 


Quality Beyond Temperature 

Before starting the project, the company was already monitoring temperature during its tests, but it became essential to also start tracking ambient humidity. And it wasn’t just any monitoring that would bring such a positive impact on quality metrics: it needed to be precise, real-time, and in hard-to-access locations. Furthermore, the collected data had to be securely stored for future reports.

In summary, it soon became clear that they needed something special. The system had to address all application challenges and make all environmental information accessible, in real-time and in the future. 


Smart Technology for Quality Improvement 

NOVUS solutions came into play to improve quality with the help of ARAN Componentes de Controle, the NOVUS Automation distributor in Mexico. Through ARAN, the electronic manufacturing client found exactly what they needed.

The solution materialized in a set of RHT-Air temperature and humidity transmitters, which are not only compact and wireless but also extremely accurate. These transmitters connected to the AirGate receiver, which feeds the powerful multichannel FieldLogger data logger. All of this delivers real-time monitoring and recording of up to 48 simultaneous data channels, all managed easily and intuitively. 


Features That Make a Difference 

What really impressed the client were the additional features of the NOVUS Automation technology system. Now, all quality testing information is accessed directly from the web browser, anytime, anywhere. With HTTP setup, this became a reality. And to ensure data was always secure, FTP setup was implemented, storing everything with maximum reliability, both in the FieldLogger and the client’s private server.

The complete quality improvement solution was designed with the future in mind. With compatibility with NOVUS Cloud, the client is prepared to further expand their capabilities, offering real-time views that can be shared with their own customers. This is not just a solution for today but a strategic preparation for tomorrow. 


Day-to-Day Results In Quality Assurance

  • Enhanced Quality: Real-time monitoring of temperature and humidity ensured that every quality test was performed with maximum accuracy, raising the reliability of the products. 
  • Absolute Security: With data impeccably protected, the client does not need to worry about losing critical information. 
  • Future-Ready: The possibility of integrating NOVUS Cloud puts the client ahead of the competition, ready to offer even more value to their own customers. 


This is a real example with visible results of how NOVUS Automation solutions not only solve problems but benefit the entire chain, from the supplier to the end customer who receives their items with guaranteed quality. 

Those looking for ways to improve processes and increase product quality can learn more about what NOVUS technology can do. Explore the possibilities of applied solutions like RHT-Air and FieldLogger, and other innovative NOVUS solutions. 


About ARAN: 

ARAN Componentes de Controle was founded in 2016 to serve integrators and equipment manufacturers, offering additional options to the current brands distributed in the Mexican market. 

It is a company dedicated to the commercialization of sensors, controls, and industrial equipment, aiming to provide quality and variety of products. 



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