Precision was decisive for the manufacturer of machinery for breweries to adopt NOVUS controllers

The brewing segment is rising in Brazil. In the last 10 years, the beer production in the country jumped from 8.2 billion to 13.4 billion liters per year – an increase of 64%, according to data from the Beverage Production Control System of Brazilian IRS. And of course this growth is also reflected in the craft beer sector, which currently occupies 5% of the brazilian beer market, with a forecast of doubling the number of sales in the next five years.

The growth of brewing market has expanded the search for quality instruments, capable of guaranteeing that all stages of manufacture happen in the best possible way and with the greatest precision.

HEIS Industrial from Guarapuava – Paraná (southern Brazil) manufactures machines for the beverage industry, mainly for the beer market, such as malt mills, fermentation and mash tanks and brew kitchens.

Accurate temperature control is essential in brewing production. With this in mind, since 2020, the company has incorporated NOVUS controllers in its products, offering even more precision to its customers.

The products most used by HEIS are the N1200N1030 and N1040 controllers. The particularities of each of these products meet the needs of the multiple portfolio of the Brazilian company.

The N1200 is a high-performance process PID controller that meets the most complex applications. It is capable of quick response, and allows the execution of custom profiles of ramps and soaks for temperature, with the programming of up to 20 user recipes or up to 180 segments. This detail is essential in the manufacture of beers, whose process goes through different temperatures.

The N1030 also offers high-performance PID action, but due to its compact size – just 35mm – it can also be used in cases where space is at a premium.

The N1040 is a controller developed for applications that demand a high precision product with a good cost-benefit relation. Like the N1030, it’s also very compact. In addition, its electrical connection system allows for a faster and easier installation.

Security that adds value to the final product

The great differential of NOVUS controllers however – and that was crucial in Heis choosing – was the robustness and reliability offered by the products. The precise control offered by  N1200, N1030 and N1040 has a direct impact on the beverage production process, ensuring more accuracy and much finer control, adding value to the products developed by Heis.

The company reported that, before adopting NOVUS controllers on their machines, there were a large number of problems identified by customers. In just over a year using NOVUS, Heis identified only one nonconformity with one customer, which indicates a much higher degree of trust and reduced maintenance costs.

The ease of assimilation and use of controllers by technicians in the beverage industries was also pointed out as a determining factor for adopting NOVUS solutions. Sometimes, some processes did not have satisfactory results simply due to operator incompetence – a problem remedied with the N1030, N1040 and N1200, which are easy to set up and use.

And that’s how the partnership between NOVUS and Heis is ensuring a better quality beer on the table of consumers and no headaches for the manufacturer. Cheers!