Canadian company provides instrument and flowmeter validation with NOVUS Data Logger

IMAN Inc is a company that provides services in instrumentation in Canada, mainly for the calibration and verification in the measurement of instruments such as flow meters, pressure meters, temperature meters and level meters. The team also performs these services on water quality verification instruments (pH, conductivity, chlorine percentage, etc).

With and updated setup by adding both a NOVUS device and a software to perform the services, the company started to record and store customer data more reliably, allowing comparisons between instruments checked over time.


Reliable, Affordable Instrument Validation

Verification services for flow meters need to ensure stable, accurate, and reliable references. In addition, the recording of data in two channels needs to happen simultaneously and accurately. For a small company like IMAN Inc., many solutions available on the market require a high investment.

It was in search of alternatives that the company of technical services and instrument validation chose to improve and extend the services provided by purchasing a data logger. The equipment needed to be small in size, robust for the application, and flexible for the services offered.

LogBox-AA was perfect! Not to mention cost-effective.”

For more than a year since implementation, the new system set up (flow meter, LogBox AA and LogChart II) has enabled IMAN Inc to record, store and compare data from customers served.

The combination of devices and software, purchased at a value compatible with IMAN Inc’s small operation, brought the best possible solution. After just over eighteen months with this set up, the company has already requested a quotation for more LogBox-AA units to expand the number of customers served.


Check a full range of data loggers


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